Historical Background

The property contains numerous historical pits, trenches and U/G workings. Although some of the site activity appears to be from earlier periods, the most significant period of recorded activity occurred in the 1950s and described a series of exploration pits, shafts, declines and adits around the side of the Cerro de Oro hill in the center of the concession area. Two areas of high-grade underground structures were mined via adits and declines from surface with a series of internal raises and cross-cuts down to a vertical depth of approximately 150 meters.

Between 1993 and 1998, Noranda completed 34 reverse circulation (RC) holes to depths of 60-100 metres and seven diamond drill holes to 400 metres on and adjacent to the concessions. Results confirmed widespread variable gold mineralization. More recently, a private entity completed approximately 50 RC holes confirming the earlier work by Noranda and presenting an excellent disseminated mineralized system which remains open in multiple directions.

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